Thursday, 24 March 2011

The fight for truth in Libya

The war of words continues in Libya.

Whilst western journalists complain of organised media management in the most repressive police state many have ever encountered and file sceptical reports about the regime's claims. Elsewhere more lurid tales of Gaddafi's outrages are appearing.

According to reports, Gaddafi mercenaries in the town of Bin Jawad have, "raped the young men they captured in a mosque before chopping off their hands and feet." The source for the story is an un-named 36 year old rebel fighter, who fled the town. The article includes a bullet ridden pick up as proof of the tale.

Whilst not inconceivable, given allegations that the mercenaries may include Chadian fighters recently made unemployed by the ceasefire in the genocidal war in Darfur, the account from a Malaysian online source goes on to say, "“These young men were raped in front of local Bedouin tribes. It’s a terrible humiliation in our culture. If they survive, it is something they can never ever talk about,” said the rebel."

With the question of legitimacy hanging in the air, and the ICC waiting on the side-lines to begin its investigations into war crimes and human rights abuses, it will increasingly become an issue as to how effective the 'clean up' has been, and what can be dismissed as hearsay evidence designed to inflame racial and religious prejudice.

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